PS3 emulation on PS5 may soon become reality; here are the details

PS3 emulation has been a thing for PC gamers for a long time. And recent rumors circulating in the industry suggest that it may soon reach PS5 as well. Developer Implicit Conversion, the studio behind the PlayStation Classic port on PlayStation 5, has listed an official roadmap on its website.

The roadmap relates to research and prototyping of the possible inclusion of a PlayStation 3 emulator package for Syrup, the engine supporting the PS Classic port. It also has a “Dreaming About” tag which could mean that the original PS3 emulation could be released after a long time, perhaps years.

PS3 emulation on PS5: how far from reality is it?

Talking about the current scenario, PlayStation 3 Classics titles are available on PlayStation 5 with PlayStation Plus Premium membership which is playable only through cloud gaming. Now, coming back to the emulation part, things are a bit shady when it comes to PS5 emulating PS3 games on a native basis.

In a report published by Wccftech, it was revealed that the tests were conducted using the AMD BC-250 in December 2024. It was confirmed that the PS5 hardware was capable of running games like Gran Turismo 5 and Little Big Planet at higher than native resolutions. Moreover, the same happened with some hardware limitations like memory limitations due to driver issues.

Now, the reaction from gamers who want to feel nostalgic will always be positive. However, this feat may take a long time to be revealed as the PS5 Pro is already here and we can’t expect to see any major updates like PS3 emulation. On a closing note, we will keep you updated.

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